Tuesday, December 18, 2012

人因為學不會三件事, 所以會不快樂



(一)、富翁回到家, 打開第一帖,上面寫著:「請你到一處沙灘,躺下30分鐘,連續21天。」


(二)、第22天, 他打開第二帖,上面寫著:「請在沙灘上找5隻魚或蝦或貝,將牠們丟回海裡,連續21天。」

富翁滿心懷疑,但還是照做了,結果每次將小魚蝦丟回海裡時, 他卻莫名地感動


當他寫完沒多久, 海浪漲潮就把那些字沖刷掉了, 他突然頓悟而感動的哭了。回家後, 他覺得全身舒暢, 很輕鬆而自在, 甚至不再怕死了。

原來,人因為學不會三件事, 所以會不快樂:

一.休息 二.付出 三.放下

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Saturday, December 1, 2012

Akrit Jaswal: The Seven Year-Old Surgeon

Akrit Jaswal is a young Indian who has been called the world's smartest boy and it's easy to see why. His IQ is 146 and is considered the smartest person his age in India country of more than a billion people.

Akrit came to public attention when in 2000 he performed his first medical procedure at his family home. He was seven. His patient, a local girl who could not afford a doctor was eight. Her hand had been burnt in a fire, causing her fingers to close into a tight fist that wouldn't open. Akrit had no formal medical training and no experience of surgery, yet he managed to free her fingers and she was able to use her hand again.

He focused his phenomenal intelligence on medicine and at the age of twelve he claimed to be on the verge of discovering a cure for cancer. He is now studying for a science degree at Chandigarh College and is the youngest student ever accepted by an Indian University..!

(Source: Facebook)

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